Can you think of any meal that features squash more than this one does? Spaghetti squash as your pasta and roasted Delicata squash as your sauce. This is a very easy meal to prepare, taste great and is healthy! I love using spaghetti squash with red sauces with meat or without. I decided to make my own white sauce using the sweet and delicious Delicata. You can add a little heat to balance out the sweetness and in this recipe I used cayenne pepper. One cup of cooked pasta is
220 calories and one cup of spaghetti squash is 42 calories so as you can see it is OK to have a second serving!
1 whole spaghetti squash
2 delicata squash, half and seeds removed
1 cup to 1 1/4 cup almond milk, unsweetened ( or: half/half or coconut milk would work)
1/2 t salt 1/2 t pepper black or white
1/8 t red cayenne pepper- to taste
Basil for garnish
Parmesan/Romano shaved or grated-optional
220 calories and one cup of spaghetti squash is 42 calories so as you can see it is OK to have a second serving!
1 whole spaghetti squash
2 delicata squash, half and seeds removed
1 cup to 1 1/4 cup almond milk, unsweetened ( or: half/half or coconut milk would work)
1/2 t salt 1/2 t pepper black or white
1/8 t red cayenne pepper- to taste
Basil for garnish
Parmesan/Romano shaved or grated-optional
Spaghetti squash can be baked two ways. 1.) bake for 1 hour whole in a 325 oven OR 2.) cut it in half and roast it face down in a roasting pan at 350 for 30-40 minutes. Your squash will be fork or knife tender when ready to come out of the oven. Cool and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. It will come out in strands and you can separate it with a fork. |
Roast Delicata squash by cutting in half, placing face down roasting in the oven in a 400 oven for 30 minutes. It will be fork tender when ready. Cool and peel. Coarsely chop squash and put in food processor or blender. Add milk a little at a time until desired consistency. Add salt, pepper and cayenne red pepper. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve over spaghetti squash "pasta" style.
Serve hot with fresh basil and cheese if desired.
Roast Delicata squash by cutting in half, placing face down roasting in the oven in a 400 oven for 30 minutes. It will be fork tender when ready. Cool and peel. Coarsely chop squash and put in food processor or blender. Add milk a little at a time until desired consistency. Add salt, pepper and cayenne red pepper. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve over spaghetti squash "pasta" style.
Serve hot with fresh basil and cheese if desired.